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About I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic

I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic has constantly improved over the past eight years, intending to treat all patients the same way we treat ourselves and our families. What started many years ago as the “old school” Myer's bag has developed into one that provides unique agents at the correct osmolarity and best synergistic combinations for optimal therapeutic care. Building on the work of the late John Myers, MD, the author has used an intravenous vitamin-and-mineral formula to treat many clinical conditions. The "Myers' cocktail," which consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, is effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders. Since then, I.V Vitamins have improved vastly with compounds and more I.V Vitamins available, making our I.V Vitamin Infusion packages more effective in treating even more conditions. We use the highest level of safety and follow strict protocols at all times. We lead the nation in NAD+ and high-dose I.V Vitamin C treatments. At I.V. Vitamin Therapy Clinic, we strive to provide the best care for our patients. We also work with the Riordan clinics teams out of Kansas; Dr. Riordan pioneered IV Vitamin C and paid for the first animal trial. 

Recommended Times to drip:

Hectic 24/7 lifestyle, such as stress, depression, headaches, a weakened immune system, allergies, muscle aches, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, and poor food and nutrition choices. IV therapy, or intravenous vitamin, amino acid, phytotherapeutic, and mineral replacement therapy, is used to get mostly naturally occurring compounds such as vitamins or amino acids into the body in a far more therapeutic and effective way than taking the same supplements orally. The gastrointestinal system does not absorb many vitamins, minerals, and amino supplements well due to low bioavailability, pathogenic microbiota, and aging. IV therapy can bypass those barriers, preventing adequate absorption and achieving therapeutic levels of nutrients. Bioavailability refers to the amount of a drug or compound absorbed or used to interact directly with the body's cells after administration. Many obstacles can block access, preventing the desired effect in the intended area. These obstacles can vary from cell membranes to first-pass metabolism, failure and blockages of uptake in the gastrointestinal tract, and alterations in genomic SNPs. Vitamins and minerals are essential to support pharmacokinetics and help them penetrate the body's cells, where they can perform their mechanism of action. Administration of these components via the bloodstream can improve patient compliance and outcomes. The heightened bioavailability achieved through IV administration can change the nutrient mechanism of activity within the body to favor patient care in a safe and well-tolerated manner by most patients.

I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic focuses on getting fluids and vitamins back into your body, making it perform in the best possible condition. Our I.V Packages are rooted in the scientific understanding that a relationship exists between hydrating the entire body, including the nervous system, and overall wellness. I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic embraces this idea, providing noninvasive assessments and treatments. The body's capacity for healing is impressive when it is balanced and in its optimal state, with the right amount of fluids and vitamins. Our outlook toward health and healing is that the body is an entire system and should be looked at and treated as such. When you're not feeling well, we aim to get you back to feeling better.


Advanced Cardiac Life Support 
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support 
American Heart Association 
American Nurses Association 
TNCC Trauma Nurse Core Certification 
CEN Certified Emergency Nurse 


The body is constantly building itself up and breaking itself down. It is a continual cycle. Every cell has its life cycle; it is born, dies, and is replaced.


We frequently notice significant improvements when using intravenous therapy. Many patients who seek our help do not experience health improvements with medications and high doses of oral supplements. Generally, taking vitamins and minerals orally can be helpful, and we recommend that when appropriate. But, if vitamins and minerals are not adequately absorbed into the body, they are useless. Patients frequently do not adequately absorb vitamins and minerals through the gut or gastrointestinal tract due to specific disease states that create intestinal malabsorption. This creates a situation where patients do not experience the desired results. Another factor is too much supplement intake. For example, taking large doses of oral magnesium and Vitamin C can result in diarrhea due to its effects on the bowel. Intravenous administration of magnesium, Vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals does not have that effect, and the amounts given can be much higher than oral pills.

Water makes up a large percentage of blood, the life-giving red liquid that brings oxygen, nutrients, and vital processes, such as one's immune system, throughout the body. Joints and bones use salts to provide stability. When you deplete your salts, you rub bone on the bone, causing pain and inflammation and often times injury. Our I.V Fluids consist of pure electrolytes without sugars.    

Lymphatic fluids, part of one's immune system, make up four times the blood volume and are designed to remove waste products from one's body.



Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of one's health. Vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune function and contribute to chronic degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. This body of research has been reaffirmed by the Journal of the American Medical Association.

(June 19, 2002-Vol 287, No.23)

Although you may eat a balanced diet, you can have deficiencies if you do not absorb vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and/or other essential micronutrients properly. 

Because each of us is metabolically and biochemically unique, the micronutrient requirements for one person may differ from the requirements of another.
Excessive physical activity, prescription drugs, smoking, alcohol, and sedentary habits all impact micronutrient demands.

Health conditions such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue, and multiple sclerosis, to name a few, can be affected, directly or indirectly, by micronutrient deficiencies.

We store vitamins when we are younger for growth purposes. Our micronutrient requirements at age 30 differ from those at age 40, 50, and beyond. Absorption difficulties deplete more, especially as we age.





It is a treatment method that uses nutrients such as vitamins or minerals and administers these directly into the bloodstream, typically through a vein in the arm. There are several advantages of giving the body nutrients through the intravenous method. First, by injecting substances directly into the bloodstream, you eliminate any alteration in the nutrients that may occur from the actions of digestive enzymes. Second, the number of nutrients in the blood can reach much higher, more therapeutic levels faster than is possible by absorbing nutrients through the Gastrointestinal system. This may be particularly important if a patient suffers from a GI system disorder where the absorption of nutrients is impaired. In some cases, the IV use of micronutrients permits much higher levels than is possible, even with a healthy GI tract system.

Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of one's health—vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiency.

University research shows that 90% of people are deficient, and 50% of those people are already taking a multivitamin.
Nutrient deficiencies are common.

Dehydration and vitamin Deficiency Symptoms

  • Vomiting

  • Back Pain & Back Injuries

  • Headaches, Dizziness 

  • Tired, Sleepy, Fatigued

  • Shortness of breath, Dizziness

  • Pale or yellowish skin

  • Irregular heartbeats

  • Weight loss

  • Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet

  • Muscle weakness

  • Personality changes

  • Mental confusion or forgetfulness

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Chronic depression

  • Acute or chronic muscle spasm

  • Migraine headaches, Tension

  • headaches

  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis

  • Respiratory problems

  • Acute or chronic asthma

  • Sinusitis

  • Bronchitis

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Ischemic vascular disease


Dehydration Overview

  • Dehydration is a condition that can occur when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of individual cells and then out of the body than the amount of water taken in through drinking. Medically, dehydration usually means a person has lost enough fluid so that the body begins to lose its ability to function normally and then begins to produce symptoms related to fluid loss. Although infants and children are at the highest risk for dehydration, many adults, especially the elderly, have significant risk factors.

  • People lose water daily as water vapor in the breath we exhale and in our sweat, urine, and stool. Small amounts of salts or electrolytes are also lost along with the water. Our bodies constantly readjust the balance between water (and salts or electrolytes) losses with fluid intake. When we lose too much water, our bodies may become out of balance or dehydrated. Most doctors divide dehydration into three stages: 1) mild, 2) moderate, and 3) severe. Mild and often even moderate dehydration can be reversed or put back in balance by oral intake of fluids that contain electrolytes (or salts) that are lost during activity. Some instances of moderate and severe dehydration can lead to death if unrecognized and untreated. This article is designed to discuss dehydration in adults.

Nutrient deficiencies are common. 
University research shows that 90% of people are deficient, and 50% of those people are already taking a multivitamin.
Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of one's health. Vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiency have suppressed immune function and contribute to chronic degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. This body of research has been reaffirmed by the journal of the American Medical Association.

(June 19, 2002-Vol 287, No.23)

IV Vitamin Therapy Clinic Is Innovating Patient Care

At I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic, we emphasize integrative medicine and enhancing the body's ability to heal through targeted, personalized medications specific to each patient's needs. Vitamins and minerals are part of the list of nutrients the human body needs to stay healthy, but did you know that these same components can be used more significantly than mere nourishment? In addition to being a much-needed tool for patients who have suffered illness or injury that disallows ingestion of food orally, IV therapy can increase overall energy and reduce fatigue by providing therapeutic doses beyond what can be consumed orally. Our state-of-the-art pharmacy is here to provide the highest quality medicine to meet your requirements. Independent, third-party laboratories test every batch we produce, so you know it is of the highest quality every time. Our physiological levels of nutrients can fluctuate greatly depending on underlying chronic or acute diseases, activity levels, poor digestive assimilation, altered microbiota, aging, or even genomic inborn errors of metabolism via SNP alterations, to name a few. When nutrition and essential co-factors are ignored, the patient is vulnerable to fatigue, disease, weakened immunity, poor mental health, poor physical health, and overall stagnant recovery.

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Clinic: 1-702-966-2440

3790 Paradise Rd. Suite140 Las Vegas, NV 89169

Located a block from the Las Vegas Strip behind the Wynn Hotel

 ©I.V Vitamin Therapy Clinic 2015- 2024©TM

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The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the services provided. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program.

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